Tom Quesse

Graphic Design & Marketing


Digital Publication | Student Project

This assignement was the final for my last year of study at Northern Illinois University. The goal of this student project was to create a digital magazine that would be read using a tablet. We needed to include working interactive elements throughout it and media files embedded within it. The project was all created in Adobe InDesign.

For my subject matter I decided to create an educational magazine about the cello. The idea was that this was an entry in a series that would highlight a different instrument in each issue. Having never picked up or played a cello in my life, this project took a lot of independent research. This included interviewing a music professor who specialized in the cello.

Fully Interactive

Throughout the magazine the user is given ample opportunities to do far more than just read. I wanted to do more show than tell. There are plenty of opportunities throughout to listen to both classical and modern pieces of cello music. There are also many interactive sections where you can learn more about the instrument and well-known musicians.

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